
Portfolio Performance

Performance to 31 January 2025

  1 Month 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years
5 Years

Adjusted NAV Return

(1.7%) +2.5% +18.5% +5.0% +6.1%

Total Shareholder Return



+16.2% +0.4% +4.7%

Gross Performance Return

(1.8%) +3.1% +21.2% +6.6% +7.8%
S&P/NZX50G Index (0.9%) +2.8% +9.5% +3.0%


Non-GAAP Financial Information

Kingfish uses the following non-GAAP measures:

  • adjusted net asset value – the underlying value of the investment portfolio adjusted for capital allocation decisions after expenses, fees and tax,
  • adjusted NAV return  the underlying performance of the investment portfolio adjusted for dividends, (and other capital management initiatives) and after expenses fees and tax,
  • gross performance return – the Manager’s portfolio performance in terms of stock selection, before expenses, fees and tax, and
  • total shareholder return – the return combines the share price performance, the warrant price performance, the net value of converting any warrants into shares, and the dividends paid to shareholders. It assumes all dividends are reinvested in the Company’s dividend reinvestment plan, and that shareholders exercise their warrants, (if they were in the money), at warrant expiry date.

 All references to adjusted net asset value, adjusted NAV return, gross performance return and total shareholder return on this website are to such non-GAAP measures. The calculations applied to non-GAAP measures are described in the Kingfish Non-GAAP Financial Information Policy. A copy of the policy is available at